Die Schwäche des Westens ist es, die so beunruhigt… nicht diese Währungskrise!
Paul Krugman bringt es auf den Punkt…
„The larger point is that Turkey isn’t really the problem; neither are South Africa, Russia, Hungary, India, and whoever else is getting hit right now. The real problem is that the world’s wealthy economies — the United States, the euro area, and smaller players, too — have failed to deal with their own underlying weaknesses. Most obviously, faced with a private sector that wants to save too much and invest too little, we have pursued austerity policies that deepen the forces of depression. Worse yet, all indications are that, by allowing unemployment to fester, we’re depressing our long-run as well as short-run growth prospects, which will depress private investment even more.
Oh, and much of Europe is already at risk of a Japanese-style deflationary trap. An emerging-markets crisis could, all too plausibly, turn that risk into reality.
So Turkey seems to be in serious trouble — and China, a vastly bigger player, is looking a bit shaky, too. But what makes these troubles scary is the underlying weakness of Western economies, a weakness made much worse by really, really bad policies.“
Noch interessanter wird die Aussage von Krugman, wenn man zusätzlich die Übersetzung von weakness etwas weiter gefasst wählt: „to have a weakness for ..“ heißt, eine Vorliebe für .. haben
So erklärt sich manches. Unsere Vorliebe wird zu Schwäche. Und ich habe nicht nachgeschaut, aber wie eng sind die Begriffe Voreingenommenheit und Vorliebe miteinander verbunden?